Winter Bundles!
Holy cow! It’s 2025! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (•_•)
I mean… all the good stuff is over until it starts getting warm again unless you’re really into expensive dates or drinking green beer (but by then it’s basically spring anyway).
Yes, here we are friends… in the bleak, frigid, soul crushing expanse that is WINTER.
At least the days aren’t getting shorter anymore. I guess I should make the best of it and just put on my sweater, and my coat and maybe a scarf, maybe a hat too (you lose a lot of heat through your head you know), a few pairs of socks, idk how many layers I can fit under this parka, I just know I need to BUNDLE UP!
In the spirit of the season we are offering you the chance to BUNDLE UP as well… with printing! (see what we did there?).
Take advantage of our hemisphere’s icy downtime by getting some projects done! These deals end on February 28th so get crack’n!
Stay warm friends!